99th Bomb Group Photo Gallery
The photos used on this web site are intended for your general use and information. Please do not copy, save or reproduce this material without written consent from the 99th BGHS Officers and Board of Directors. All rights are reserved.
99th Bomb Group and Squadron Insignias |
348th Bomb Squadron Insignia 1944 Version |

99th Bomb Group Memorial at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

Heavyweights at Tortorella, Italy in 1944
Left to right:
Colonel Ford J. Lauer, 99th BG Commander
Major General Nathan Twinning, 15th AF Commander
Brig. General Charles W. Lawrence, 5th BW Commander
Unknown Colonel
347th Squadron Engineering |
Fill 'er up... |
Cooks |
Motor Pool |
Formation Flight |
Crew Chief |
Mechanics |
Bomb Run, 1943 |
B-17G |
B-17G |
Sandfly Tower, Tortorella |
99th BG Headquarters, Tortorella |
Flight to Russia |
Turning Props |
Gen. Eaker |
Russian Fighter |
Trading Cigarettes |
Stalin Portrait |
S/Sgt. Aldoninio Gioia |
Memorial |
"Anthony J" |
Preparing for Mission |
Fuel Truck |
Engine Change |
B-17 "Mis-Behavin" (courtesy M/Sgt. Grady N. Allen) |
German Plane (courtesy M/Sgt. Grady N. Allen) |
Returning B-17s |
Formation Flight |
USO show |
Guard Duty |
Mission Briefing |
Christmas, 1944 |
Bombardier |
Top Gunner |
Waist Gunners |
Formation Flight |
Calendar |
Formation Over Target |
El Diablo |
Maverick |
348BS Crew Oudna, Tunisia 1943 |
348BS Davis Crew Perry Huckabee 1943 |
348BS Whitmore Oudna, Tunisia 1943 |
348BS Whitmore Oudna, Tunisia 1943 |
B-17 F Oudna Field, Tunisia 1943 |
Col Wayne Thurman, Pentagon |
Gen Atkinson and Lt Col Thurman |
Mission Brief Italy 1944 |
Mission Planning |
George F. Coen, Tunisia, Sept. 1943 |
The photos used on this web site are intended for your general use and information. Please do not copy, save or reproduce this material without written consent from the 99th BGHS Officers and Board of Directors. All rights are reserved.