99th BG Information
Announcing Friends of the 99th
The purpose of the Friends of the 99th is to support our efforts to further develop, preserve and share the history of the 99th BG with our membership and a wider audience. Under the umbrella of the 99th Bombardment Group Historical Society (a tax-exempt not-for-profit 501 (c)(19) Veterans organization), we are pleased to announce the formation of the Friends of the 99th to enable our members and other parties to more easily make financial and material donations to the 99th BGHS. The Friends of the 99th will provide an acknowledgment of your donation, for tax purposes and as a permanent record of your contribution. Click here to learn how to make your tax-deductible donation.
99th Bomb Group Historical Society NARA File & Film Records
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) II
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
The following is a summary listing of film records available at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) II, in College Park, MD that include some reference or relation to the 99th Bomb Group. Most of these were located under the research subject heading for the Army Air Forces (AAF), 99th Bombardment Group (99BG). At the time that this research began in late 2008, these records were located on the 4th floor in Room 400 under Record Group 18.
This information was summarized from the Index Cards which included more fields. A copy of one of the better quality Index Cards is available on this site for reference. A Table has been created to capture the key information off of each of these AAF 99BG Index Cards, and for expediency some of the fields are left blank to be completed at a later date. No claim is made that these are all of the 99th BG film records, only those that were located during research over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday period back in 2008.
If you are interested in this project or if you plan to visit the NARA II facility yourself please contact Gary Staffo or the NARA Website for information concerning the rules and requirements to obtain a NARA identification that allows records access. The 99th BGHS is exploring the possibility of having a copy of each of these 99th BG film records made and indexed on DVD if we can get significant contributions through our "Friends of the 99th BGHS" campaign. This list is a starting point to help us seek out competitive business proposals from several professional firms to determine the cost for this project.
I would appreciate if each of you who do visit the NARA II please share with us your research findings for publication for our 99th BGHS members and for our historical research. Please contact Gary Staffo by email at 99BombGroupHS@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to discuss the project or volunteer to help us with the work.
99BGHS NARA II Film List
99BGHS NARA II Film Record Example
99BGHS NARA II File List
99th BGHS Supply Store
If you are looking for items to proudly recognize the 99th Bomb Group, or a gift for a 99th BG Veteran, check out the items in the 99th BGHS Supply Store. We have pins, hats, patches, bumper stickers, and may create t-shirts if we have enough interest to support an order. Learn More »
Book Reviews
by the 99th Bomb Group Historical Society
War stories, mission lists, and biographies. Loaded with photographs.
Turner Publishing
412 Broadway - P.O. Box 3101
Paducah, Kentucky 42002-3101
Telephone (502) 443-0121
ISBN 978-1563112676 | Publisher: Turner | Copyright 1998
Available on Amazon.com |
by James F. Bruno
A diary of the 99th BG, as told by a member who flew combat missions with it during 1943. Also contains information about other 99th BG members throughout the war.
ISBN 978-0964803213 | Publisher: James F Bruno; 1st US - 1st Printing edition | Copyright 1995
Available on Amazon.com |
by Martin Caidin
Copyright 1968, 2001
Originally Published as Flying Forts
ibooks, New York 595 pages paperback
If you have not read a lot about the Boeing B-17, commonly known as the "Flying Fortress," this is a good introductory book for you to read. The book is organized in four major Sections with multiple individual stories included under each section. For those who have read a lot of books on the B-17, you will find a lot of the material to be familiar, especially if you have read several of the limited number of seventeen Sources/References he uses repeatedly throughout the book. The author does make this an entertaining and factual book by including personal stories from interviews he conducted with B-17 crew members, and information from citations for various acts of gallantry and courage performed by individuals, including Medal of Honor recipients. The book includes a significant amount of information on the development of the B-17, the rationale and fight for its survival prior to WWII, and it does cover its use in all of the combat theaters of operation, including its combat baptism in fire in the Pacific and early use by the British of the early B-17D and E versions. This includes a good summary for those new to the B-17 of the various model changes from the prototype Model 299 through the B-17G.
As with most books concerning the B-17 in WWII, the author is focused primarily on the 8th Air Force operations out of England. However, for members of the 99th Bomb Group Historical Society the author does recognize and include the Air War fought in the Mediterranean Theater (Chapter 18 Torch, and Chapter 19 The Deadly Bombers). More importantly he does provide a 6 page description of the combat actions on July 5th, 1943 over Gerbini, Italy for the 99th BG's, and WWII's only Aerial Gunner Ace (9 Confirmed victories) Staff Sergeant Benjamin F. Warmer, resulting in his award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication in the Newsletter.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
ISBN 978-0743434706 | Publisher: Books | Copyright 2001
Available on Amazon.com |
by Philip D. Caine
This book is an excellent collection of eight stories about evasion and survival by airmen in WWII. Chapter 7, "I Was So Close" is of special interest as it tells the story Sonny Fassoulis, a member of the 99th BG 348th BS, John Caraberis crew of the B-17 number 4230396 that was shot down on September 2, 1943 over Italy.
22841 Quicksilver Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
ISBN 978-1574882346 | Publisher: Potomac Books | Copyright 2000
Available on Amazon.com |
Collateral Damage – A Journey in Dealing with Combat-related PTSD
by George M. Coen
This book is written by the son of a 99th BG 416 BS Veteran Navigator whose father flew 50 combat missions out of North Africa. George is also a combat veteran and in this personal story he tells us about his personal experience with combat related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during and after the Vietnam War, but more importantly the effect of his father's WWII undiagnosed PTSD (and his own) on his life and that of his family. This is a story about finding peace for one's soul in the midst of a battle with PTSD. Although the WWII Veterans may have been the "Greatest Generation," as George's story highlights to us, they also were one of the largest undiagnosed and untreated group of PTSD patients who came back home and struggled to deal with this while marrying and raising a family.
Anyone whose family included combat Veterans will benefit from reading this book which provides an understanding in personal terms of the challenge of PTSD and how it effects individuals and families.
The author provides enough technical information to understand the human, social and psychological factors that make this such a complicated issue. For those who would like to read a book giving more specific cases of WWII PTSD and how the PTSD effected Veterans behavior with their children, it is suggested you read "Our Fathers' War: – Growing Up in the Shadow of the Greatest Generation" by Tom Mathews. In writing this powerful book, Mathews traces the kinetic effect of the war on the men who fought it, their sons, and their grandsons, Mathews has uncovered nine other dramatic and telling father-son tales of veterans in some ways missing in action and how internal war wounds shaped their lives as fathers.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
George M. Coen
Email: coengm@gmail.com
ISBN 978-0-578-44642-4 | Publisher: George M. Coen | Copyright 2019
Available on Amazon.com |
by Ret. Capt. Wes Coss
A story of a young man's love of flying that takes him in to combat with the 99th BG 347th BS flying a B-17 in bombing raids routinely until January 27, 1944. On this day the 20 year old pilot has his aircraft shot down and faces the harsh reality of war attempting to evade capture behind enemy lines. A tribute to those in War and especially those of the underground who risked everything to save downed air crew men.
Email: stardustfallingbook@yahoo.com
ISBN 978-0977924301 | Publisher: Wesley G. Coss | Copyright 2012
Available on Amazon.com |
by Dejan Deric
This is the story of the rescue of ten 99th Bomb Group 347th Bomb Squadron airmen from the B-17 # 42-5340 from behind enemy lines in the Zlatibor region of the former Yugoslavia in 1944. Overall, I found it a very interesting, informative, and enjoyable read.
Although the story focuses on this crew rescue, it is part of a larger story concerning the internal conflict within Yugoslavia between the "Chetniks" and the Communist "Partisans" under Marshall Tito. One of the challenges we have in the United States is that too few of us take the time to learn and try to understand the history of other nations, countries, peoples, or regions. We too often rush to judgement without an understanding of the complexities of history and how they play out over time. This book provides an opportunity to view the WWII history of this region and appreciate the sacrifices made by individuals in occupied countries who gave willing to help downed American and other allied airmen escape and evade capture. Even more moving is that even though these native people were poor and had little food or other essentials for themselves, they shared what they had with generosity with these airmen and risked their own lives and that of their families if caught.
The reader will be impressed by the extensive detailed, and very well documented research conducted by the author to support the story. The organization of the book, as to when and where certain information is first provided, may be challenging, and confusing to some, especially for an American reading audience that does not have a geographic and historical knowledge of the region. Thus, it may be hard to follow the action and understand the various territorial and ethnic related issues. Readers will find it helpful to look at some WWII maps of Yugoslavia and the Balkans while reading to better follow the action on the ground and understand the political decisions made by the Allied powers during and after the War.
If you are interested in additional escape and evasion stories check out the following book:
by Philip D. Caine
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS Vice President
Copies Available from the Author
Dejan Deric
Email: slomljenakrila20@gmail.com
Publisher: Ljubisa R. Denic Library | Copyright 2020
Available on Amazon.co.uk
by Frank R. Drain
All of you in the 99th Bomb Group Historical Society (BGHS) are aware of, and most probably own a copy of, "The Diamondbacks - The History of the 99th Bomb Group (H)," written by Frank's father Major Richard E. Drain, a 99th BG 416th BS WWII veteran. Frank has now published this photographic collection of all the 99th BG aircraft he could find, and he continues to seek additional photos, corrections, or additions.
This 112 page, 8 ½ by 11-inch hardcover book is the perfect addition and companion to "The Diamondbacks,” that each member of the 99th BGHS should consider adding to their collection.
For many 99th BGHS members this may be the first time for them, and their families to see a photo of the B-17(s) their 99th BG veteran flew on in combat, or who as one of the unheralded ground crew, slaved over before and after every mission, to ensure the safety of the crew and completion of the mission.
Frank R. Drain's photographic history of these B-17's, “99th Bomb Group Aircraft Assigned” is now available for sale and in time to make a perfect holiday gift for any 99th BGHS members, family, or B-17 enthusiasts.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS Vice President
Copies Available on Lulu.com
Frank R. Drain
Email: frankdrain70@gmail.com
Publisher: Self-published | Copyright 2022
by Ralph W. Ekwall
A memoir in tribute to a 99th BG 346th BS B-17 Ball Turret Gunner with combat action taken directly from his War Diary. The book provides some background on his family history and home life. Additional background information is included about various topics of interest to all WWII Veterans and others who want to know more details about the airwar and the men who fought in the skies. Available in softcover or hardcover.
Willard's Books
P.O. Box 45804
Omaha, NE 69145-0804
ISBN 978-1933556253 | Publisher: Ralph W. Ekwall | Copyright 2006
Available on Amazon.com |
by Colonel Richard Ernest Evans and Barbara Evans Kinnear
The 99th Bomb Group Historical Society (BGHS) has an amazing, distinguished history and the accomplishment of having completed 10,855 sorties and 395 combat missions between March 31, 1943, until April 26, 1945. The 99th Bomb Group was awarded two Distinguished Unit Citations. The first was for the mission on July 05, 1943, against the airfields at Gerbini, Italy, and the second was on April 23, 1944, when they bombed the aircraft factory at Weiner Neustadt, Austria.
Another amazing historical honor that the 99th BG received was to have been selected to provide the Pilot and crew to serve Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery after he won a "friendly wager" with General Eisenhower on whose force would first occupy the city of Tunis. In "Richard Eager – A Pilot's Story," you are told the story of the Pilot, Captain Richard Evans, in his own words and the details of the missions he flew with Field Marshall Montgomery, and in combat with the 99th BG.
This thoroughly researched book, written by Evans's daughter based upon his original rough draft, provides a detailed insight into the journey Richard Evans made during his life and Air Force career. Members of the 99th BGHS will find this detailed information very interesting, especially concerning the leadership of Colonel Upthegrove, and how he commanded. Captain Evans story also provides his view of how many of our 99th BG Veterans made their way from their homes through the Army Air Force training program as Aviation Cadets.
The book also presents an entertaining story of his life growing up in Tennessee with a touching reflection on the importance of family life, and his post WWII career as a leading officer in the developing United States Air Force.
Email: barbara@richardeagerbook.com
ISBN 978-1-7333518-7-4 | Publisher: Kieran Publishing | Copyright 2021
Available on Amazon.com
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website. |
As remembered by Alvin E. Kotler and told to Jack Flynn
The story of a 99th BG 346th BS Radio Gunner with the Lt. William Flynn Crew coming together and flying combat missions in 1944 and 45, with the 15th Air Force out of Tortorella, Italy, and the tragedy of a wartime injustice.
A heartfelt story told from the perspective of a crew member who had flown with his pilot in combat and knew first hand of his personal courage, bravery, and devotion to duty. His detailed description of how this respect for his pilot was earned, and his witness to the tragedy which unfolds provides a moving story of the unfortunate circumstances that resulted in this pilot's unfortunate personal and professional misfortune. The softcover book is illustrated with black and white photos, copies of documents, and other information.
ISBN 978-1475197907 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing | Copyright 2008
Available on Amazon.com |
by Malcolm Gladwell
This is an outstanding book that everyone interested in the 99th BG should listen to or read, to understand how the Army Air Force fought and conducted the Air War in WWII. Reading this book gives you a whole new view on the role that a few key critical personnel played in shaping and effecting the strategy and course of the Air War in WWII. Upon completion of this book you will find yourself looking back at your previous thoughts on the Air war in WWII with a vastly new perspective and much greater appreciation of the complexities and moral burden of war.
In The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War, Malcolm Gladwell, provides the story behind the World War II use of air power including the key players, the underlying theoretical, technical, and moral challenges of strategic precision bombing and mass carpet bombing. This historical review focuses on the small band of Army Air Corps aviation pioneers associated with developing air doctrine at Maxwell Field prior to WWII. He ties them together with the technology innovators who brought these concepts to reality such as Carl Norden with his bombsight, Louis Fieser and napalm, and Army Air Force Generals such as Curtis LeMay, Ira Eaker and Haywood Hansell, and British Air Force Bomber Commander Arthur Harris who fought the air war. The book takes you through the development of these air war strategies, the technology supporting these advances, and the agonizing decision and learning process of war with all the moral and ethical dilemmas it presents.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS Vice President
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company | Copyright 2021
ISBN 978-0-316-29661-8
This book is also available as an audio eBook.
Available on Amazon.com
by Albert C. Henke
This book covers the 50 missions Henke flew as a tail gunner with the 99th Bomb Group, 416th Bomb Squadron, out of bases in North Africa and Italy to bomb German targets in the Mediterranean Theatre of operations, and also his Army Air Force training and family history. It is built around his Diary which he kept hidden throughout the War as at the time this was a forbidden practice under war time security. In this hidden Diary he recorded each mission within hours of his return, while the emotions and reality of the War were still felt throughout his body and in his mind. The book goes beyond the Diary and includes V-mail letters written home, information obtained after the War, and is illustrated with copies of his actual Diary entries as well as photos taken during and after the War.
Leathers Publishing
4500 College Blvd.
Overland Park, KS 66211
ISBN 978-1585974184 | Leathers Publishing | Copyright 2007
Available on Amazon.com |
by Gary R. Hill
This is the story of Harlan R. Hill, 99BG 416BS, as told to his son Gary and documented through over 300 family letters, photos and extensive research focusing on his WWII military life and his missions with the 99th BG flying out of Foggia, Italy and culminating in his Dad's 27th and last mission on July 24, 1944 in the B-17G number 42107016 resulting in evasion and capture and a POW camp until the end of the War. The book recognizes the risks and sacrifices made by partisans behind enemy lines caring for and attempting to get airmen safely back to friendly territory.
It is also very much a family story telling about the Hill family, relatives and friends and reminds us of how each and all of our nation were impacted by WWII.
For every 99th BGHS Member who wanted to know about the details of everyday military life in the 99th BG during WWII at Foggia this is another excellent book you must read. It is also an outstanding book for those who have always wanted to write the story of their Dad's life, especially his WWII days with the 99th BG for it provides a format and Appendix and Bibliography to help you get organized and started on the adventure. Please contact the 99th BGHS if you would like additional information and assistance with your 99th BG family history project.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
AuthorHouse Publishing
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47403
Telephone (800) 839-8640
ISBN 978-1-4389-3255-2 | Publisher: AuthorHouse | Copyright 2009
Available on Amazon.com |
The Second Most Powerful Man In the World - The Life of Admiral William D. Leahy, Roosevelt's Chief of Staff
by Phillips Payson O'Brien
This is a must read book for anyone who wants to know the facts behind why the Mediterranean Campaign was conducted, the overall strategy for this region, how it was supported, and most importantly how the decisions were made that effected the 395 combat missions that the 99th Bomb Group flew during WWII.
I have read numerous books on WWII leaders and I recently completed reading the most informative and fascinating biography that has changed many of my thoughts and opinions about the WWII key figures. The bios I have read have included notables such as Churchill, Roosevelt, Marshall, Arnold, Doolittle, MacArthur, Eleanor Roosevelt, etc.
The book I read is "The Second Most Powerful Man In the World" the life of Admiral William D. Leahy, Roosevelt's Chief of Staff.
Reading this book gives you a whole new view on the role that others (often given way too much credit) played in shaping and effecting the strategy and course of WWII. Leahy it turns out became Roosevelt’s main man, even replacing Harry Hopkins (another person whose biography I am adding to my reading list) and more importantly, became the architect of the overall WWII strategy and successfully used his relationship with Roosevelt to ensure that this course was taken and implemented overcoming the resistance of Churchill and all of the other members of the WWII Joint Chiefs of Staff, including very strong personalities in themselves such as Admiral King, Marshall, etc.
Reading this book challenges your entire perspective of these famous WWII personalities and the how and why WWII strategies were taken. It is especially helpful in understanding the big picture background for the establishment of the Mediterranean Campaign in WWII and thus the importance of how the decisions were made for the air war and the 395 combat missions for the 99th Bomb Group.
Amazing how such a powerful man grew into this position and the rare qualities of leadership and management he possessed to accomplish this without any personal ego or expectations for recognition.
A remarkable man who deserves this recognition and additional studies to be used as a model for those who seek to serve a higher cause for the benefit of others.
Check it out, Copyright 2019 by Phillips Payson O’Brien, when you get a chance.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
ISBN 978-03995848006 | Publisher: Dutton | Copyright 2019
Available on Amazon.com |
AIR FORCE SPOKEN HERE – General Ira Eaker and the Command of the Air
by James Parton
This is an outstanding book that everyone interested in the 99th BG must read to understand why and how the 99th BG was created, the War Plan rationale for the Mediterranean Air Campaign, and an understanding of General Ira Eaker and the other WWII Commanders who determined the path forward during WWII and the role of the Army Air Force in the road to victory. The book is written by James Parton who served on General Eaker’s staff in England from May 1942 and became his aide and confidant throughout the war and then his friend and associate in many matters during subsequent years. The book was written in coordination and cooperation with the Air Force Historical Foundation and the Office of Air Force History, and General Eaker and his wife, which provides a very thorough historical and personal perspective that adds to the knowledge and enjoyment of reading this book.
Follow the challenges faced by the Army Air Force as they learned by experience through combat missions and losses how to build and effectively use new air combat and bombing strategies to defeat the Luftwaffe and address the balance of tactical versus strategic mission planning and support. Learn about the background behind the hard decisions made for daylight bombing, flying missions beyond fighter escort, setting target priorities, and many other critical WWII actions.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
Adler & Adler Publishers, Inc.
4550 Montgomery Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
ISBN 0-917561-15-5 | Publisher: Adler & Adler Publishers, Inc | Copyright 1986
Available on Amazon.com |
by George F. Perry
An autobiography of a 99th BG B-17 pilot. Tells of flight training, air combat, and life as a prisoner of war in a German POW camp. |
by Cathy Schultz (Rosenberger)
In this labor of love, the daughter of William (Steve) J. Schultz (99BG 347BS) shares the WWII letters written by her Dad, Steve, and by other friends and family. She has meticulously typed out each letter to provide the story of one 99th Bomb Group airmen and his family and friends. This book is a record of his feelings and observations as he went in the Army Air Force and overseas to fly 50 combat missions. The book is illustrated with photos of artifacts and related period materials such as newspaper articles, his mission diary, and even a feature color comic like wartime morale story of one of his harrowing missions titled "Saved By A Shoestring." This is an especially important source of information and interest for all 99th Bomb Group Historical Society (BGHS) members as it covers many of the early 99BG missions flown out of North Africa between June 23, 1943 until December 06, 1943 (for which the official mission records are lost), and continues out of Foggia Italy until his final 50th mission on December 20, 1943.
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews, and you may send us your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book or other reviews for consideration for publication on our Website.
Reviewed by Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS 2nd Vice President
Cathy Schultz (Rosenberger)
6738 Carlinda Avenue
Columbia, MD 21046
Email: cathy9551@verizon.net
Phone: 301-346-5109 |
by Charles Huston Shields
Charles “Hugh” Shields is a retired mechanical engineer with degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University and University of Southern California. Unlike many in his craft, he is a gifted writer who, in this narrative about his father's wartime experiences, has no trouble keeping the reader's interest.
Fortunately for the author, his mother had saved all his father's voluminous wartime correspondence, which provided intimate and personal details from his earliest days as a cadet, through the war's end and his return home.
His father, Dean Shield, was a farm boy from Nebraska who, as a college student, entered the Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP) and was rewarded with a Private Pilot’s License. Following Pearl Harbor, he was called up as an Aviation Cadet by the Army Air Corps, and quickly moved though the primary, basic and advanced pilot training programs having clearly demonstrated his natural abilities as an aviator.
Dean Shields (347BS Pilot) story is told by his letters and multiple other sources providing an amazing description of flying and maintaining the B-17F because of his knowledge, understanding, and love for mechanical challenges.
The details it provides on the 99th in the US and setting up in North Africa, the challenge's they faced, and how they resolved them is highly informative and interesting.
In August 1942, Dean traveled to Gowen Field in Boise, Idaho, and joined the fledgling 99th Bombardment Group (BG). He and his crew were assigned to B-17F Ser. No. 229473 that they christened "Yankee Doodle."
After further stateside training they ferried their airplane to Navarin, Algeria in March 1943 via the South Atlantic ferrying route. This is where Dean Shield's seven months of war began.
This is one of the most informative 99th BG books because of the details it provides about maintaining and flying the B-17, daily life for ground and air crew, and how the 99th BG adapted and revised their operations to more effectively perform their mission.
It's especially important because it covers the early North Africa missions out of the Navarin and Oudna airfields from March through September 1943 where the official Army Air Force records have never been found.
Using extensive references and documented research, the author, Charles Huston Shields (Dean's son) has provided a great very well written book that everyone who has an interest in the 99th Bomb Group, the B-17F, the 347th BS, combat missions in North Africa, and many other areas will find a must read.
Copies Available from the Author
Charles Huston Shields
Email: wingtips347@gmail.com
ISBN 978-I-6678-5588-2
Publisher: Self-published | Copyright 2022
Reviewed by: Capt. David O. Hill and Gary T. Staffo, 99th BGHS Vice President
We welcome your feedback and comments on our reviews. Please email us with your 99th BGHS or B-17 related book, or other books, for consideration for review and publication on our Website. |
by J.W. Smallwood
A diary by a 99th Bomb Group, 346th Bomb Squad Bombardier of his training, combat missions and experience as a POW during World War II.
ISBN 978-0897451543 | Sunflower University Press | Copyright 1992
Available on Amazon.com |
by Brandon Soale
This book covers the events leading to the creation of the 15th Air Force, the establishment of bases at Foggia, Italy and stories of the men who flew missions from there during WWII. I believe this will be of interest to all 99th BGHS members as the subject areas include the background on the development of the15th AF, the B-17, how the 99th BG got to Italy at Tortorella, and the description of the related airfields and organizations at Foggia. Although the stories are not from men in the 99th BG, the author has used information obtained in interviews with 99th BG Veterans and additional sources are well referenced throughout the book which does include an index. Many of the 99th BG Veterans shared similar experiences during AAF training and flying missions from Foggia. The soft cover book is illustrated with black and white photos, copies of documents, diagrams, a few sidebars, excerpts from Diaries and letters written home, and other information. ISBN 978-0-578-08663-7
CrabApple Books
P.O. Box 12
Camden, OH 45311
ISBN 978-0578086637 | CrabApple Books | Copyright 2012
Available on Amazon.com |
by William F. Somers
An autobiography of a B-17 Engineer/Gunner with a collection of stories of men of the 15th Air Force who flew the heavies from North Africa and Italy to smash the formidable German underbelly during World War Two.
ISBN 978-0970579911 | Copyright 2000
Available on Amazon.com |